Traps ===== Examples -------- All trap examples can be played in :download:`traps.wad` Monster Closet -------------- Monsters are staged in a hidden room with a door disguised as a wall or other nondescript panel, which opens to surprise the player. .. image:: monster_closet.png :target: /_images/monster_closet.png * Create a hidden closet sector (A), add some monsters inside it. * Create a closet door sector (B). * Close the closet door so that it looks like a normal wall (C). * Apply a fresh tag to the closet door sector (B). * Add the trigger lines that will open the closet, and apply the same tag on them (D). * Assign the linedef special **Type 109 W1 Open and stay fast** to the trigger lines (D). Monster Platform ---------------- Monsters are staged on top a platform that lowers from the ceiling to surprise the player. .. image:: monster_platform.png :target: /_images/monster_platform.png * Add the platform sectors with some monsters in them (A). * Raise the platform floors and ceilings (B) until flush with the surrouning ceiling. * Select the platform sectors and apply a fresh tag (A). * Insert vertices along a wall to make a 64 unit long line, for the switch (C). * Set a switch texture (C). * Apply the platform tags to the switch linedef (C). * Set the switch linedef (C) type to **23 S1 Floor down LEF**. Crushers -------- The ceiling lowers to crush the player. .. image:: crusher.png :target: /_images/crusher.png * Assign a fresh tag to the sector that will do the crushing (A). * Create a linedef that will act as the walk-over trigger (B). * Assign the same tag to the trigger linedef (B). * Set the trigger linedef (B) **Type 6 W1 Crusher /fast** .. note:: You will need to **lower unpeg** the room sector walls (C) if you do not want the walls to move up and down with the crushing ceiling. .. warning:: Fast crushers do less damage and the player may even survive one round of crushing. Slow crushers take their time, dealing a lot of damage and ensures player death. Drop Trap --------- The floor drops out unexpectly from beneath the player into a room with monsters. .. image:: drop_trap.png :target: /_images/drop_trap.png * Add the sector that will drop out beneath the player (A). * Tag the sector (A). * Add the hidden room the player will drop into, lower it's floor (B). * Insert vertices on a wall to create a switch (C). * Set the tag of the switch linedef (C) to match the drop sector (A). * Set the switch linedef **Type 123 SR Lift Lower /fast** (C). Lock-In Trap ------------ Lock all the exits in a room, forcing the player into close combat for a short time. .. image:: lock-in_trap.png :target: /_images/lock-in_trap.png * Create the open door sector (A) and assign a fresh tag to it. * Add the linedef that will trigger the door to close (B). * Set the linedef **Type 16 W1 Close for 30s** .. note:: If you want to close multiple doors in the room, give them all the same tag. Teleport Ambush --------------- Monsters stationed in a hidden room wake up to the sound of gunfire, walk over a teleport trigger and summon themselves to the designated location. .. image:: teleport_ambush.png :target: /_images/teleport_ambush.png * Apply a fresh tag to the sector where the monsters will teleport into (A). * Insert the **Teleport exit** thing (type 14, under the "Player" category called `TFOG`) in the sector (A). * Create a hidden room where the monsters are stationed (D). * Connect the main sector (A) with the hidden room (D) via a sound pipe (B). This allows the sound of gunfire to reach the hidden room, alerting the monsters. * Insert a teleport trigger linedef in the hidden room (C), assign the same tag as the exit sector (A), and set the **Type 97 WR Teleport**. .. note:: Use the **Sound Sector Rendering** mode (under the View menu), and enter **sector edit mode** in the 2D view to see how sound travels in your map. Combat Teleporting ------------------ Monsters teleport around the player during combat, making engagements less predictable. This trap is used in Doom II map 10 to great effect with a Cyberdemon. .. image:: combat_teleporting.png :target: /_images/combat_teleporting.png * Create teleport trigger linedefs of **Type 126 WR Teleport /mon** (A). * Apply a fresh tag to the trigger line (A). * Apply the same tag to a destination sector (B) * Place a **Teleport exit** in the destination sector (B). * Repeat as needed, more teleport triggers with different destinations will make for varied encounters. Nukage Surprise --------------- A floor turns into radioactive waste, dealing damage to the player when walked on. .. image:: nukage_surprise.png :target: /_images/nukage_surprise.png * Add a trigger line of **Type 37 W1 Floor down LEF /NXP** (A). * Apply a fresh tag to the trigger line (A). * Tag the target sector (B) the same as the trigger tag. * The target sector (B) must be surrounded by damage sectors (C). * The damage sectors (C) are lower than the target sector (B). * The damage sectors (C) have **Type 7 Damage 5%** and the **NUKAGE1** texture. On trigger the target sector (B) will lower to the damage sectors (C) and the damage and texture is transferred.